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Celebrating 50 Years of HATO: A Journey of Innovation and Brightness

Written by T van Nierop | Jan 8, 2024 12:30:00 PM

As we hit the monumental milestone of 50 years at HATO Lighting, we find ourselves reflecting on a journey illuminated by innovation, growth, and enduring partnerships. From our humble beginnings in 1974 to becoming a global pioneer in agricultural lighting; our story is not just about lighting solutions; it's about the people, the partners and the ideas that have constantly been our guiding stars.

"Thank you" seems like a small term for the gratitude we feel, but it's etched in every milestone we've achieved.

Where it all started

Our journey started in 1974, with a vision to brighten the agricultural sector. Hans and Ton founded HATO to provide materials that were specifically made for the harsh environments in the agricultural sector.


Our products over time

In 1981, our first lighting solution was born: CHAMPI TC. A specific lighting solution for mushroom farming. The launch of CHAMPI TC revolutionized mushroom farming; a true testament to our innovative spirit.

The stride continued with the introduction of the first poultry-specific lighting solution, ED, in 1995. A lighting solution that many poultry farmers all over the world relied on for many years. That’s where things got really interesting.

In 2012, we launched the first poultry-specific LED lighting solution in the world: the CORAX. From there on, we rapidly expanded our product range for poultry with the BUBO, PULSA, STERNA, SURNIA and so on…

In the meantime, we developed a worldwide network of clients and partners to make sure the importance of good lighting for poultry was known all over the world.

Expanding Over the Years

Our expansion over the years has been a story of strategic growth and adaptation. Recognizing the dynamic nature of the agricultural sector, we've continuously evolved, not just in our product offerings but also in our global presence.

To enable us to serve global markets more quickly and personally, we opened several HATO hubs. Our presence now spans continents, with offices and factories in China, Poland, Pakistan, and most recently, the USA. This global expansion reflects our commitment to being close to our markets, understanding local needs, and responding rapidly.

In 2020, we took a significant leap by expanding our focus to cattle and pig lighting. Leveraging our decades of experience in poultry lighting and backed by extensive research, this expansion wasn't just about growing our product line; it was about deepening our commitment to improving life for farmers and animals worldwide.

“Reflecting on our 50-year journey, I am deeply grateful to our partners and colleagues worldwide; your dedication and collaboration have been the key to our success.”

- Paul Obers, Owner & CEO



Last but not least, we re-invited the HATO brand in 2020. Our extensive customer service is something that has been valued by our partners for years. In 2020, we decided to take this to the next level.

“Partnership and Collaboration” are from then on at the core of the HATO brand experience. Why? By sharing knowledge and experiences with our partners, we come to the best lighting solutions and results. Together.


And forward!

As we look towards the future, our path is clear. We're committed to forging ahead on this journey of innovation, energized by our invaluable partnerships. The journey ahead is not just a path; it's an invitation to explore new horizons, to innovate, and to strengthen the bonds that have been the cornerstone of our success.

Our mission is bold yet simple: High quality lighting that improves welfare and livestock production must be affordable for all farmers.