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Gradient Lighting: Challenging the Status Quo in Poultry Farming

Written by Kim Hendrix | Jan 25, 2024 7:39:46 AM

The agricultural sector is incredibly fascinating. We at HATO understand better than anyone that this sector is constantly evolving; innovation is key! Innovation is in our DNA at HATO; we see it as an indispensable element of progress. Progress that is crucial in a growing world where the demand for animal proteins is ever-increasing. A very interesting study was recently published by Dr. Karen Christensen in the US. This research confirms an exciting theory that HATO has been working on for some time.

In summary:

The study examined the impact of different light intensities on broiler chickens. Is there a preference for a certain light intensity? They discovered that variation in light intensity has positive effects; the chickens became more active and exhibited more natural behaviour. This was beneficial for their leg health and overall well-being. Additionally, the chickens grew better and required less feed to gain weight. In short, using this type of light seems to be better for both the health and growth of the chickens.

This is, of course, a very interesting development. Prompted by these findings, we immediately sought to exchange thoughts with Dr. Karen, engaging in a fruitful dialogue to deepen our understanding. Previously, we focused on uniform light distribution, with a nice, even spread of light so that the birds would distribute themselves better throughout the available space, with all the positive consequences that entails.

We are eager to collaborate with partners in the US and Canada to further shape this development. Contact us today to discuss the details. We are convinced that collaboration and partnership lead to greater achievements.

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