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Up to 14% higher milk production with HATO lighting

Increased milk production? Better cow behaviour? Practical benefits for the farmer?

The past years, our research team has done extensive research into our RUDAX at a Dutch dairy farm. They gained scientific data of the multiple benefits of our RUDAX combined with a HATO light scheme.  We are happy to share a summary of their findings with you through this research paper.

Download today and discover the impact of HATO lighting on

Milk yields and profits
Cow behaviour
Work joy for the farmer

The past years, our research team has done extensive research into our RUDAX at a Dutch dairy farm. They gained scientific data of the multiple benefits of our RUDAX combined with a HATO light scheme.  We are happy to share a summary of their findings with you through this research paper.

Download today and discover the impact of HATO lighting on

Milk yields and profits
Cow behaviour
Work joy for the farmer